US-UK Trade

Many people have concerns about standards in future trade agreements, the scrutiny of such agreements, and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms. Such concerns are unfounded.


Maintaining safety and public confidence in the food we eat is of the highest priority. Without exception, imports must meet all the relevant UK product rules and regulations. Any future trade agreements must work for UK farmers, businesses, and consumers, and uphold food safety, animal welfare standards and environmental protection. Quality, safety and performance will continue to be paramount.


The right of governments to regulate in the public interest is protected in investment chapters in free trade agreements and bilateral investment treaties. The UK has more than 90 bilateral investment treaties in place with other countries and there has never been a successful ISDS claim brought against the UK, nor has the threat of potential claims affected the Government’s legislative programme. 


I have spoken with Ministers, who are also committed to transparency and scrutiny of trade agreements, including by Parliament.